Thursday, August 23, 2007


August is on its way out the door with a bang, I guess. Yesterday we hit another record, 104 degrees.. I loved it.. Today is beautiful and hot too, but I can't be outside any. Bummer. Maybe I should just spend the rest of my days out West in the desert somewhere. I lived out there once, and I loved it. One of my best friends out there said that one day my skin was going to look like a billfold.. As I sit here today, I'm afraid to look down at my skin. :( How can something so beautiful, so glorious as bright, wonderful sunshine that warms your body accompanied with bright blue skies be so bad for you? Unfortunately, it has proven to be so for so many people, and that makes me sad.

Another thing that makes me SAD is computers. I am having problems, MAJOR ones, so that's why I wanted to post something else.. don't know when I might get the next chance to post something. Wish me luck!! Also... over the next month or so, I may be adding some pictures.. several were taken while on my recent trip to Nashville, and there will be more taken in the next few months to come. I have posted a new one below. I guess the sun fries hair too 'cause my hair certainly looks fried in this picture. HA.

BTW, I was told that "Howard" reads my blogs. Thank-you Howard... I know who you are, and you know who you are. I hope you are well. I miss California and those "good ole days." Wow, now you can be famous 'cause I mentioned you in my blog! HA. Just kidding!! Know of anyone I can pitch some songs too????

Got some big stuff coming up soon regarding events and events associated with the Georgia Music Industry Association. Will post as they are available.

Take care....Shelia

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