Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dedicted to Spring...and to my Father.

We might just break a record today in the Atlanta area. A HEAT record that is. It's March 25th, and it's expected to be close to 88 degrees. Yeehaw. :) That sounds good to me. As long as it doesn't promote any bad weather to move this way. I know that it's about 20 degrees warmer today than it should be. But I'll be on my deck catching some rays while I can!!!

We celebrated my dad's 70th birthday yesterday. We had birthday cake, dinner, and attended a play/musical put on by our local community. I was very impressed. My dad even got to go onstage and be a part of it for about 10 minutes.. He was called up during the play by one of the ladies in it, a "waitress." It was a cute scene, my dad got a kick out of it, and it was a great birthday gift for him. I'd like to take a few minutes and say some things about my father. My dad grew up singing and playing guitar. Of course back then, he wanted to be "Elvis." And he was, to some extent. In his younger years, he could sing some Elvis songs pretty darn good. And my mom said he tried to move like him too. And why not? I imagine that's one way he got my mother to "date" him. HA. Then in his later years, he had women telling him he "favored" George Strait, and he did somewhat. He wore a cowboy hat then in the bands...and he sang "Fireman...They call me the Fireman, that's my name."
Fun stuff. But I would like to thank him for teaching me how to "entertain" through the years. He always believed in entertaining your audience. He also taught me, whether he knows this or not, how to sing harmony. I used to listen to him and I think was able to pick up on it that way. He could have been a tenor harmony singer in a bluegrass band also. He doesn't do hardly any music anymore. Every now and then he will go up to a local dance on Friday or Saturday nights, and the guys in the band will call him up to do a few...but he certainly should be proud of all those years that he was in the "entertainment" business.
He's played in a lot of different towns and places...and enjoyed it through the years. He has fancy "outfits" hanging in his closet still. That's my Dad. I can only hope that he is happy for me and what I am trying to accomplish these days and I hope he knows that him and his music will always be in my heart.

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